As I prayed I began to have God move in my heart, he was
telling me to write my testimony. “God I already wrote about how you healed me from drinking.” I could hear him speak to my heart “Zach it didn’t end
there, tell about everything I healed you from.” Oh no, I thought, don’t ask me
to go there. “God please don’t ask me to share about my sexual sin that
is too much.” If there is one thing I have learned from this past year in my
walk with Christ, it is that you have to be obedient to whatever He asks if you
want to be blessed by God. I decided to text a few friends to get their
opinions, the cell phone began shaking in my hand as I began to text, a few tears turn into
waterworks. My friends responded with love and encouragement as always, “just
write it down, God will lead you after that, maybe you just need to get it out of you.” I
continued to pray “God you brought me here, if I can use anything to help
encourage or bring people to you then use me, use my stories and most importantly
let others see the wreckage you brought me from.” At this point I need to point
out that I do not feel led to share this testimony, not yet at least. After writing for a few hours I decided to spend more time
in prayer, God filled my heart with peace since I was doing his will.
I then began
praying for my future wife, asking God to bring her to salvation, that He is
blessing and protecting her mind, body and heart. All the sudden I felt an
overwhelming sense of warmth, God spoke to me a few words which will give me
peace when I doubt his timing “I have her” There has never been more joy in my
heart than at that moment. God always tells me that my wife will be my biggest
earthly blessing, not my job, not my mission trips, not preaching, my wife. She will be
worth the wait and I found comfort in knowing God already has her, that I don’t
have to worry about what she is doing, that I don’t have to lose sleep about
how God is going to move in her life. The words echo in my heart even as I
write this “Zach, I have her”. What He is repeatedly telling me is “Zach, trust
me, continue to seek me, she is doing the same. Zach continue becoming the man
I want you to be for her, she is doing the same for you.” I can tell you right
now as a man who went to nine weddings this year, I repeat, NINE WEDDINGS, that
it gets old being single but God reassured me she will be worth the wait
and that He has her. Don't get me wrong, I am extremely happy for all my friends who got married this year and the past but I have to be honest, it gets difficult to watch others move on with their relationships while your standing still. He even gave me a vision that night of her praying on her
knees, I couldn’t tell what color hair she has, how tall she was or even what
she was wearing. God just wanted me to notice that she is His, she is
praying for me and that in His timing we will be linked together.
This may sound corny to some of you reading this but I can care
less. If your biggest heart ache was money and in an instant God paid off all
your debt and the future looked bright you would be jumping for joy too. I
realize using money is a poor example to the things that God has in store for us, that
relationships are our biggest earthly blessing and God just gave me the biggest
insurance policy I needed to continue driving into the unknown. “I have her”
will be enough gas to get me into her presence, it will be the promise that
God continues to provide in my life.
The remainder of the evening I could focus on other things,
I began preparing my sermon for the next My Generation. I will be teaching on
how God loves us. There is so many different ways to approach this so I took
the suggestion of my pastor, Joe Barber, which was to listen to six other sermons on the
subject. I didn’t realize what God was doing at the time but he was filling me
up with wisdom, knowledge, peace and joy. I woke up the next morning and got
right back at it, reading the Bible and seeking what God was trying to tell me.
What started off as a crazy idea to spend a whole evening alone with God turned into the most
healing, prophetic and joyous weekend of my life. I realize now that I need to do this more
often. That God asks us to do this in His word. My thought process was “I am a
man of God but I still need to be entertained.” Gods thought process for me was “Seek
me and I will give you an abundance of all things your heart desires.” Never
again will I question giving my time to God. This is one of the most important
gifts God gives us and we must use it wisely. That being said if there was one
thing that I took away from researching and studying about How God loves us its
that he desires a relationship with us over everything. He would rather spend a night alone with me than have me out ministering or being the light for others. He is jealous for our love, our time, our energy and our focus. He doesn’t want our left overs, our scraps, which to
be honest we all tend to do sometimes.
I have talked to Christians who tell me they pray in their
car, while they are eating or while they are laying in bed at night. I have to
be honest, I am guilty of this myself but God does not want our left overs. God
wants us to be available all the time and to recognize that the time he awards
us is a gift. He asks that we give him the firsts of everything. That when we wake up the first thing we think about is God, when we get paid the first thing we think about is giving back to God, to give back what he has already blessed us with. When He sees us in relationship with others He wants to be the focal point, He is and always will be wanting to be the center. If there was one message I would give to anyone questioning, wondering where is God and if he loves me, I would speak over and over again how CRAZY he is about you!! He is so in love with you. He will do whatever it takes to get your attention, he doesn't want part of you, he wants all of you and He wants to show you more than you could ever experience without him. He wants to show you true life, He wants to show you that there is a way to live that this world cannot offer you. There is hope, security and it isn't a possessions, popularity, a job, relationship or dream, it is a person, Jesus Christ.
If I could encourage you to do anything after this weekend with God, I would encourage you to put him first in everything you do. Wake up and pray, be purposed about it! All things come easier when you involve God. The next My Generation will be Friday, February 8th at 7pm at Lancaster Community Church. The address is 230 North Columbus Street, child care will be provided. Please help us by sharing this post on Facebook or clicking "Like" on this message to help us get the word out to others. Thank you for reading and please leave a comment below or email me if you have any prayers, questions or concerns at God Bless You!!
AMEN:) Thank you God, Jehovah, Papa, Daddy, Husband, I am, Alpha and Omega for such a love relationship that no one can give but you. Keep pouring in deep unto deep and allowing this generation to feel your love cry. Thats all you want is for us to keeping running to our first love, JESUS!! Help us dear Abba that we will keep our eyes to the heavens and our feet trampling on the earth that you have formed to walk in your ways and to see the light that you have called and saw, in Jesus Name AMEN
ReplyDeleteVery beautiful Zach:) Keep allowing God to use you!!