On my way to Haiti I had a 15 hour layover in New York City. So I contacted a few friends to see if they wouldn't mind hosting me for a night and both of them gladly abliged. Brad and his wife Kate lived a little closer so I decided to stay with them. My trip did not start off the way anyone would have planned. Twenty minutes after I got off my plan in Manhatten I was robbed in the subway system heading into the city. I accidently got on the wrong train to which I jumped off at the next stop and got onto the other train. After being on the train a few seconds, I realized one of my bags was missing. It was my green, OU draw string bag that I have taken all over the world. My anxiety hit an all time high as I looked around at those sitting near me. I immediately didn't trust anyone around me, everyone was a suspect. I checked under my seat, next to everyone sitting around me. It didn't take long before I began doubting myself and my whole trip to Haiti, "what did I get myself into this time." I prayed. "God I need peace right now, I need protection, I need courage." All these seemed impossible as I sat on the subway, completely vulernerable to my surroundings.
It wasn't until I was able to look back and see how God was already protecting me, that I found peace. See, if you have ever traveled with me you would know that I keep all my personal valuables in my green OU bag except for money and my passport, those items I keep in a money belt under my clothes. I ALWAYS keep my laptop, my waterproof camera, cell phone, Bible and any medicine I might have for a trip. As I exited the plane in New York I felt God telling me to move all my valuables into my book bag, I have never done this. I like many do at times ignored these thoughts, besides I was in a rush to get to the city but after a few minutes it was an overwhelming conviction. I stopped in the middle of the busiest aiport in the United States and took out all the candy I had brought to give to orphans and exchanged room in my book bag for my laptop, camera, and cell phone and personal valuables. I didn't really see the point at the time, besides if someone were to steal something it wouldn't be the bag that is always in my hand. Little did I know ten minutes later that green bag would be stolen and all its contents inside would be gone. Looking back if I would have never listened to Gods little command, I would have lost my laptop, camera, cell phone, Bible and majority of the important supplies that I needed for this trip. Always listen to Gods voice, even when its out of the norm, even when you question what its purpose may be, trust God.

God also surrounded me with loving people on that trip because when I finally arrived to New York City, Brad and Kate couldn't believe what happened and how calm I was able to remain. Their giving hearts took me out to dinner and then we stopped by a convenient store and they replaced all the candy, medical and hygeine supplies that were stolen from me. Satan may attack us but know that God is always looking out for your best interest. I was very fortunate during that experience and it started with being obedient to Gods commands. I pray you listen to the little commands God gives you everyday. You never know what He is protecting you from and what He is setting you up for in the future. Psalm 121:7 says "The Lord will keep you from all harm, He will watch over your life". This played true during my journey through NYC. The robber may have stolen my green bag but all he got was a bunch of candy, an old rugged hat and two old pairs of sunglasses. I found peace in this situation when I decided to pray for the robber. It wasn't easy but I knew I wouldn't be able to let this situation go until I gave it over to God. I asked God to bless that person and that they may come to know Gods love and mercy. Luke 6:28 "Bless those who persecute you and pray for those who mistreat you."
As always please share on Facebook or click the "Like" button at the bottom of the page if you feel someone needs to hear this message. If you need prayer for anything or just want to get to know me better please email me at MyGenerationMinistry@gmail.com Lastly if you want to leave a comment below please do so, I always enjoy hearing feedback. God Bless and continue to be the light!
As always please share on Facebook or click the "Like" button at the bottom of the page if you feel someone needs to hear this message. If you need prayer for anything or just want to get to know me better please email me at MyGenerationMinistry
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