"I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you" - John 14:18
This post is for all those who were wondering about my upcoming trip to Haiti. I will be leaving Columbus, Ohio around 3pm on December 28th and flying to New York City where I have to stay overnight. I will then get up and leave around 9am and arrive in Port Au Prince, Haiti around 12:55pm.

Also, we will be going to tent cities, thousands of homes made out of tarps and tents, to distribute food, clothing and prayer for those who need help the most. Doug and I will be going to villages to encourage, pray and share Gods love with people who need to feel it the most. Matthew 25:43 says "I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me."
Lastly, I need prayer. Prayer for strength, courage and wisdom. Haiti is not a safe place. People are murdered daily for the change they have in their pocket. Last time I visited I had a body guard and nine other men surrounding me, this time I only have God. But God is all I need. I leave to head back home Friday December 4th at 11am, I have a lay over in Tampa, Florida and leave the 5th at 6:30am to return to Columbus. It will be a long journey but one that will be well worth it.
All expenses for my trip have already been paid for, as promised 100% of YOUR donations will go directly to food, water and clothing for orphans in Haiti. The last day you can donate on paypal is Christmas, December 25th. If by chance I receive your donation after the deadline all proceeds will be donated to the orphanage that Doug Kimball and his family will be operating in Haiti! I will be going to the bank the morning of the 28th and will be able to deposit/cash any checks needed. With less than a few days left to raise money for these helpless children, please spread the word to friends and family. You never know who will be able to donate and the more donations, the more these kids will be able to survive and have hope. I look forward to blogging about my experiences, please follow me on twitter @Speak_Z_Truth, Instagram @White16024 as I will be posting stories and pictures to show you what your contribution is going toward.
The link to donate through paypal is:

Thank you in advance for all your help and to all those who have already donated. Your gift have brought a smile to a child in Haiti and hope to children who have less than a fair hand being dealt to them. Please click "Like" or share on Facebook and Twitter to encourage friends and family to donate.
God Bless and Merry Christmas!!
Zach White
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