Throughout the week I could not get the Bar Ministry out of my mind. The previous Friday has changed me as a person and how I will live out my faith. Every night I would pray for the souls I met that night, hoping and praying that God is drawing them closer. When Wednesday rolled around I received an email from Pastor Adam letting me know that they were going to the bars again the upcoming Friday. I knew right away that I was going, the first time had made such an impression on my heart. We arrived at the church around 11:30pm and prayed for what God wanted to do through us that evening. We could not have predicted the things that were about to occur.
Nick felt on his heart that God wanted us to go to a bar in Pickerington called Herritage, so we headed there first. It was about 35 degrees and raining so we were not sure if anyone would be outside the bars. We got to Herritage and noone was outside. We leaned over the patio fence and offered a crowd of six men some coffee, they asked "what's it for?", our response was "we just want to serve our community the way Jesus would if he were here". One gentleman laughed and said "you do realize your at a bar, right?" We laughed with him and said "yeah, we know man, theres nothing wrong with having a drink but we feel God has led us here, can we pray for anyone?" They politely declined so we continued to wait outside the bar. As we stood out side shivering, we prayed for God to bring us someone, anyone.
A minute later a man walked out of the bar with nothing on but a tank top, jeans and a pair of sandals on his feet. "Hey man hows your night?" Nick asked, "actually it's great, I haven't had this much confidence in a long time." After talking to him for a few minutes we learned that he had lost his job eight months ago and recently got a new job. His new position allows him to take classes toward a degree, he told us his life was finally coming around. At this point we asked if we could pray a prayer of blessing for him, he looked at us with excitement "absolutely". He put his arms around us and we began thanking God for this man. We asked God to bless him in finance, health and to fill him with the confidence he needs to fulfill Gods purpose here on earth. As we closed the prayer his grip became tighter, he wouldn't let go. Finally he pulled away, at this point we noticed the stain of tears soaked on his shirt. He struggled to speak so he stood in silence for a minute. He began to shake but it wasn't because of the frigid weather. Finally, he lifted his head up and said something that I will never forget "that is the first time anyone has prayed for me in eight years, thank you."
My heart sank, the fact that this individual can remember the last time someone prayed for him made me realize how much we need God in this world. He thanked and hugged us one more time before walking away feeling more confident than ever. I began asking myself "how can I reach more people like this?" God simply put on my heart to keep doing what I was doing. The bar ministry was just one way He wants me to reach the unreachable, to love the unlovable. Our society drinks at bars to celebrate, forget problems or in some cases because of the "thats what you do" mentality. I say this with confidence because I used to be one of those "social drinkers", I can honestly say when I gave up drinking I was worried about how to replace the time i'd spent out at bars and nursing a hangover. I know alcohol helps people to open up more, say things they usually wouldn't say, this is where God wants us to meet these individuals.
Our last stop for the night was at a place called Happy Endings. I walked up to a young man about my age and began striking up a conversation "hows your day going man" He responded "Great man, it's my birthday." I wished him a happy birthday and began getting to know my new friend. I asked him what he wanted to do with his life and he told me he was an entrepreneur and owned his own company. After I got to know him I figured out he grew up a couple blocks over from where I work now in White Hall. For those of you who have never been to White Hall it has a reputation for being a rough area. He told me his dad always told him growing up that he would amount to nothing but serving at a fast food joint and that he wasn't worth anything. At this point he put his head down in anger. "My dad was an A-hole, I grew up poor man, dirt floors in my house and no mother." At this point God began putting on my heart that I needed to lift this young man up. I told him how much of an inspiration he was to me. I asked if I could pray for him and his 4 year old daughter, he smiled and said "i'd love that man."
As we bowed our heads I couldn't help but realize the loud rap music in the back ground, being surrounded by chain smokers and how God drowned all of this out for our moment of prayer. I began by thanking God for Mike, his story inspired me and I know he has a big heart. I asked God to reveal his plan for him and to bless him and his families health, finances and spirit. I asked God to erase any anger or pain in this mans heart and to help him be the man he needs to be for his child. "God is present in this bar, at this very moment and he will always be with you" I thanked Mike for being open and honest with me, as we ended prayer he gave me a big bear hug and wiped away his tears. He told me he needed that and thanked me for coming out and praying for him. The bouncer called last call and he smiled at me "I better get back to work." He admitted that he was a bar tender at the Pub a few stores over and needed to shut down the bar. We both laughed and he went on his way. As Mike walked away he smiled back at me as he hugged one of his friends, he pointed at me and said "you need to go talk to that guy". At last the purpose for our bar ministry was starting to become clear, it didn't seem so crazy anymore. God is already at those bars, he just wanted us to join in on what He was already doing. I didn't realize it at the time but Pastor Adam overheard me praying for Mike. He said afterward I gave Mike a hug and thanked him for coming out tonight as if he was there to visit me, I believe he was.
We may not always know the impact we leave on peoples lives but we need to be open to the idea of how God can use us. I think about Brian and Mike everyday, their problems, their struggles but more importantly how much they needed to feel the love of Jesus that night. When I tell people about the Bar Ministry I can't help but think they probably visualize me walking into bars talking about judgement day as I slam my fist on the the bar table, that couldn't be further from the truth. We offer coffee, water, a smile and some good conversation that hopefully leads to prayer. We were told by a Pickerington police officer that attends Pastor Adams church that the Friday we did Bar Ministry was the first weekend night in years that the police were not called to the bars in Pickerington. You might think that is just a coincidence but I believe it is God working in the community.
If you need prayer or have any comments please comment below or email me at Thank you and God Bless!
My heart sank, the fact that this individual can remember the last time someone prayed for him made me realize how much we need God in this world. He thanked and hugged us one more time before walking away feeling more confident than ever. I began asking myself "how can I reach more people like this?" God simply put on my heart to keep doing what I was doing. The bar ministry was just one way He wants me to reach the unreachable, to love the unlovable. Our society drinks at bars to celebrate, forget problems or in some cases because of the "thats what you do" mentality. I say this with confidence because I used to be one of those "social drinkers", I can honestly say when I gave up drinking I was worried about how to replace the time i'd spent out at bars and nursing a hangover. I know alcohol helps people to open up more, say things they usually wouldn't say, this is where God wants us to meet these individuals.
I met another gentleman that night that I cannot stop thinking about, his name is Mike. We began talking to him in the mens restroom at one of the bars (not my ideal meeting place). He began telling us how he went to his best friends funeral earlier that day. As Nick and I sat and listened to his story we quickly learned how much pain this individual was going through. His friend suffered from depression and hung himself a week ago, he disclosed that he felt the only way to get him off his mind would be to drink a few drinks for him "its what he would want". My heart broke for this young man! I know God wants better for this man and he knew it too. I'm glad I was there to talk to him but sadly I never got the chance to pray for him at the bar.Our last stop for the night was at a place called Happy Endings. I walked up to a young man about my age and began striking up a conversation "hows your day going man" He responded "Great man, it's my birthday." I wished him a happy birthday and began getting to know my new friend. I asked him what he wanted to do with his life and he told me he was an entrepreneur and owned his own company. After I got to know him I figured out he grew up a couple blocks over from where I work now in White Hall. For those of you who have never been to White Hall it has a reputation for being a rough area. He told me his dad always told him growing up that he would amount to nothing but serving at a fast food joint and that he wasn't worth anything. At this point he put his head down in anger. "My dad was an A-hole, I grew up poor man, dirt floors in my house and no mother." At this point God began putting on my heart that I needed to lift this young man up. I told him how much of an inspiration he was to me. I asked if I could pray for him and his 4 year old daughter, he smiled and said "i'd love that man."
As we bowed our heads I couldn't help but realize the loud rap music in the back ground, being surrounded by chain smokers and how God drowned all of this out for our moment of prayer. I began by thanking God for Mike, his story inspired me and I know he has a big heart. I asked God to reveal his plan for him and to bless him and his families health, finances and spirit. I asked God to erase any anger or pain in this mans heart and to help him be the man he needs to be for his child. "God is present in this bar, at this very moment and he will always be with you" I thanked Mike for being open and honest with me, as we ended prayer he gave me a big bear hug and wiped away his tears. He told me he needed that and thanked me for coming out and praying for him. The bouncer called last call and he smiled at me "I better get back to work." He admitted that he was a bar tender at the Pub a few stores over and needed to shut down the bar. We both laughed and he went on his way. As Mike walked away he smiled back at me as he hugged one of his friends, he pointed at me and said "you need to go talk to that guy". At last the purpose for our bar ministry was starting to become clear, it didn't seem so crazy anymore. God is already at those bars, he just wanted us to join in on what He was already doing. I didn't realize it at the time but Pastor Adam overheard me praying for Mike. He said afterward I gave Mike a hug and thanked him for coming out tonight as if he was there to visit me, I believe he was.
We may not always know the impact we leave on peoples lives but we need to be open to the idea of how God can use us. I think about Brian and Mike everyday, their problems, their struggles but more importantly how much they needed to feel the love of Jesus that night. When I tell people about the Bar Ministry I can't help but think they probably visualize me walking into bars talking about judgement day as I slam my fist on the the bar table, that couldn't be further from the truth. We offer coffee, water, a smile and some good conversation that hopefully leads to prayer. We were told by a Pickerington police officer that attends Pastor Adams church that the Friday we did Bar Ministry was the first weekend night in years that the police were not called to the bars in Pickerington. You might think that is just a coincidence but I believe it is God working in the community.
If you need prayer or have any comments please comment below or email me at Thank you and God Bless!
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