Saturday, May 3, 2014

Never Give Up!

This year I had the privilege of coaching a middle school boys basketball team. Half way during the season we had half our team not show up to practice and another two or three kids quit in the middle of practice. We even had our star player walk out of the gym never to return. The pressure got to them. When asked if they give up they simple put their heads down in shame. This was our breaking point as a team. Fast forward two months later and you can find a team picture of all of us united in the middle of a basketball court holding two Championship trophies.

Nobody sees the failure in success. People today think it will just be given to them. Now I am no motivational speaker but I know God placed me in a classroom to speak to middle schoolers every day who are used to giving up. Who better to be an example about overcoming than someone who has failed so many times. I sit up at my desk and tell kids everyday how important it is to get good grades, study and be a good person. They look at me with a deaf ear and a dumb look as if I cannot relate to them. All they see is their teacher with a masters degree using big words and talking about how important hard work is in the real world.

This is where God uses my humility for His glory. It was not until I shared with them that I was border line ineligible my freshman year of high school and almost got kicked off the basketball team, when they lifted they eyes my way to see what I would say next. I told them I didn't take high school seriously, my grades stunk and I got a rejection letter from the only college I applied to which was Ohio University. I bombed my ACT not once, not twice but three times. My grades showed that I was a failure and my test scores clearly supported my low GPA. However it was my failures and learning from them that led to my success. I did not give up. I used that motivation to work harder in college and receive my two bachelors degrees in 4 years under the allotted time. It was a desire to never give up that pushed me to get my masters degree in a subject I was passionate about.

I see a big problem today in our society. People are giving up too easily. When things get hard they cave or walk away. When a relationship is struggling it's as if they take that as a sign to throw in the towel. If we get frustrated at our jobs we start looking for new ones. If we try to hit a fitness goal and it takes months and you don't see a quick result you resort back to your old behaviors.  During trials and tribulations is when your character is formed, not when things are smooth sailing. Never give up on something you cannot go more than a day without thinking about. You are destined for more. You are a child of God and anything is capable with our loving father.

My Christian brothers and sisters you may be going through a crisis of faith right now. Jesus promises to never leave us or forsake us as orphans (John 14:18). I urge you to hold on, stay in prayer and seek the Lord through dark times. Satan will try to convince you that God has abandon you, I promise you he has not. He is right beside you holding you up. You need not fear the things you do not understand and the things you cannot control. If I had one last piece of advice it would be to spend time with God in those moments of weakness. You can only dig down so deep within yourself, only God can take it to where it needs to be to overcome difficult circumstances. You are worthy and you can be great things. Never lose hope! Never give up!

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"
-Philippians 4:13


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